The knights (Gwaine, Percival, Leon, Elyan), Arthur and Merlin are on the training ground.

Merlin is kinda mocking Arthur. "You're not going to fight Percival?"

Arthur is offended. "Are you suggesting Percival ... (sorry, no idea! ^^)

Merlin: "No!"

So, he challenges Percival. They're fighting with mazes and Arthur beats him quite easily. Leaving Percival on the ground, Arthur goes back to Merlin: "Percival may be strong, but he isn't agile. I need the whole package."

"The whole package?", Merlin asks.

(Arthur says something too quiet to hear)

Merlin says: "The knights are responding brilliantly to your training, you're a really good teacher."

"Thank you, Merlin."

(Now Merlin is saying something I couldn't understand, but I assume it was something teasing or offending (I mean you know Merlin, don't you?), because Arthur glares at him)

Then Merlin says very confident: "Gwaine *is* the whole package!"

"Gwaine? Gwaine has the concentration span of a new born lamb!", Arthur replies, but he is challenging Gwaine anyway. They are fighting with swords, but not before Gwaine pulls off his shirt for no good reason (we weren't complaining though *lol*). The other knights are making kind of "woohoo"-sounds, while Arthur only gestures towards Merlin 'What the hell?'

They fight and again, Arthur wins. But when he returned to Merlin this time, Merlin is laughing and says: "He let you win!" (I'm not sure if/what Arthur says to this). Merlin goes on: "They're afraid to offend you. After all, you're the king!"

Arthur seems a bit upset by this. Kinda similar to when Leon got easy on him while training for the tournament in 2x02. So now, he challenges Elyan, but with a different approach.


"Yes, Sire?"

"You will face me as I'm a dangerous mercenary, (....) back beating hard!"

They fight with axes and shields, until the top of Arthur's axe just flies away. (The look on his face is priceless! *lol*).

"Merlin! You're supposed to check my weaponary!" In this moment Elyan whipps the rest of the axe out of Arthur's hand, while Merlin is not reacting at all. Elyan keeps on fighting, and Arthur is getting a bit nervous: "Elyan, I'm defenceless!"

"You are a dangerous mercenary!", says Elyan and presses on.

"Merlin! Throw me another weapon!", Arthur cries and is getting more and more nervous, hectic. No reaction from Merlin!

Arthur tries to stall: "One moment!", but Elyan just says: "Of course I will!", and hits again. Arthur is blocking all of Elyan's strikes with his shield. "Seriously?", Arthur asks, quite incredulously.

Elyan: "I'm deadly serious!"

Arthur: "MERLIN!"

Elyan: "He can't help you now!"

Arthur: "MERLIN!"

This all happens while Elyan keeps on hitting hard at Arthur's shield, and still no reaction from Merlin. But suddenly with a quick twist Arthur brings down Elyan. The other knights are clapping, and Arthur calls it a day. He goes back to Merlin and says: "Elyan has concentration, strength, the whole package...still I win. What do you say about that?" (in a prattish, slightly angry way ^^).
After that he dissappears in the tent.

END of scene